The Money Mindset Villains.
I'm going to cut straight to the point. When it comes to personal finance teachings-there is an overemphasis on debt. Cut your spending! Slash your expenses! You better not buy that lipstick! Forget about that vacation! The reality is this- nobody is getting rich off saving a few dollars here and there.
Yes, debt is a component of managing your money, but it's not the only component. The other components to money management include earning, investing, saving, and spending.
Yet there is an undeniable sense of urgency and obligation put upon folks to "get out of debt fast." This is often at the expense of one creating generative and sustainable money practices which align to your values and take into account the season of life you are within.
This urgency and narrow focus on debt when it comes to money management is palpable. It's fragmented. It's lacking. It's harmful. And it doesn't have to be this way.
Here is what I want you to know.
There are villains messing with your money and your mind, and they are:
Debt Shaming Culture
The Mindset Masquerade
Debt Shaming Culture and The Mindset Masquerade lie to you. They get in the way of your dreams and the aspirations you have for your life. They get in the way of you having clarity and being attuned to what is right for you when it comes to your money.
They get in the way of you having self-trust when it comes to making money decisions. They leave no room for analysis nor accountability on how institutional systems of oppression are designed to make it harder for marginalized folks to create assets (e.g. purchase a home, access non-predatory loans and access to credit, acquire land and property, attend college and trade schools to earn higher wages, etc.)
They perpetuate harmful thoughts and behaviors that get in the way of your change, progress and growth when it comes to your money.
Below are a few examples:
If any of these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors sound familiar to you- know that you are not alone. I want you to recognize these Money Mindset Villains so you can disrupt and disarm them from impacting your mind and your money.
You are not the problem- they are.
This is why I created The "Debt Reset" Toolkit

Get Your "Debt Reset" Toolkit.
Over the next 6 weeks we will cover both the inner work and outer work when it comes to your money and your debt. We will leverage my Debt Reset framework for dissolving debt shame and getting into your power.
When it comes to managing your money, the inner work starts with cultivating self-trust. That means paying attention to the feelings coming up within you. That means listening to your gut. That means following your instincts. That means understanding how you make decisions, upholding your values, and using discernment in understanding how The Money Mindset Villains impact your mind and your money.
The outer work includes understanding the language of finance and leveraging this knowledge to make sound decisions when it comes to your money. You will get pragmatic debt management tools and templates to help dissolve shame and create clarity when it comes to your debt.

Enrollment is open Saturday, 8/28 through Sunday, 10/3
Get Early Bird bonus content when you enroll by Saturday, 9/18
(scroll down to see each week's content)

Get two bonuses for registering by Saturday, September 18th.
Bonus #1- You will receive downloadable access to the recording "Where The F*ck Is My Money"- a three hour workshop. I cover cash flow, savings, budgets, and how to get rid of Disappearing Money Syndrome you have money coming in but don't know where the f*ck its going). I've never offered this as a download so this is unprecedented access.
Bonus #2- Get an extra group session. Bring your questions about the workshop or anything related to money and power.

Content Upload Date:
Monday, 10/4
Money Scripts: Feeling stuck in painful patterns about money is real. We may think there is something wrong with us- that we just aren't "good" with money. Learn to "flip the money script" to create money momentum.
The Money Mindset Villains: They lie to you and get in the way of your change, progress and growth. They get in the way of your self-trust when it comes to your decisions about money. Learn how to disarm them when it comes to your mind and your money.
The Money Cycle: Money flows through different stages of the Money Cycle based on your behaviors, decisions, and the season of life you are within.
Learn the language of finance how to apply this knowledge when making money decisions.

Group Call #1
Saturday, 10/16 from 1pm-2pm EST
This program was designed for you to move at your own pace with a focus on learning and integration of what you've learned. Weeks 1 and 2 are primarily focused on the "inner work" of understanding how you make money decisions. So whether you've taken the plunge and worked through all the content from Week 1, or are still "dipping your toe in"- the intent is for you to work at a pace that is right for you.
Come to the call to get your questions answered and learn from others. Show up as you are!

Content Upload Date:
Monday, 10/18
The "Debt Reset" Practice: There is a popular belief that defines financial freedom as having zero debt and being able to "retire early." Based on this definition most folks will never "be financially free." I call bullshit. Learn how to disentangle the notion that attaining "financial freedom" is contingent on your debt status.
The Debt Reframe & Debt Analyzer Tools: You will get pragmatic tools to know your numbers when it comes to your debt. When it comes to credit card debt, often times there is so much fine print (daily APR, prime rates, etc.) that we can gloss over the very details that are most important to understand when making money decisions. Learn how to decipher and break the code of the consumer debt industry.

Group Call #2
Saturday, 10/30 from 1pm-2pm EST
Weeks 3 and 4 are primarily focused on the "outer work" of knowing your numbers when it comes to your debt. This may mean gathering data you've never collected until now. Maybe you are in unknown waters as you navigate conversations with loved ones about money and debt. Perhaps you've been able to confirm and validate you are on the right path for you when it comes to your money.
Come to the call to get your questions answered and learn from others. Trust your process.

Content Upload Date:
Monday, 11/1
The Holiday "Anti-Hustle": For many, November and December are months where holidays are celebrated. And this can entail making decisions around your money, time, and energy which are unique to this time of the year. Learn how to bring ease and flow into the holiday season when it comes to your money, time, and energy.
The Online Purchase Tool: Being online has become as ordinary as brushing your teeth. And during this time of year, retailers are doing everything they can to create urgency when it comes to online shopping. Learn how to plan & prep for your online shopping.
Sustainability Practice: Leveraging insights from your inner work this is where you will explore different methods to build and cultivate self trust when it comes to your money.
Create a sustainability practice with debt via curiosity and self-discovery.

Group Call #3
Saturday, 11/13 from 1pm-2pm EST
Weeks 5 and 6 are bringing together both inner work and outer work when it comes to resources of money, time, and energy. Perhaps you've uncovered areas obligatory spending that you want to adjust. Or maybe there are new traditions you want to introduce this season. As we close out the program, upon reflection there may be 'aha' moments or more areas for you to explore. This may be end of the program but it's not the end of your journey.
Come to the call to get your questions answered and learn from others. Celebrate your progress.
Payment Options- select from the two options below.
Please email me at hello@naomiscottclark.com to discuss alternative payment options.
Get your Early Bird bonus when you enroll by Saturday, September 18th
Press the "play" button to hear a special message.
I'm Naomi Clark. I help you enjoy your money and f*ck the patriarchy.
I believe the greatest threats to women is the trifecta of sexism, racism, and economic inequality. This is why in 2019, I founded Her Money Map, LLC which allowed me to work directly with women to create cash flow strategies that support their goals, dreams, and values. I offer affordable workshops and programs for ambitious women and people who who are impacted by misogyny.
I help folks who are exhausted from following the “formula for success” and “doing all the right things” and yet find themselves feeling stressed out and worried about money and debt.
Instead you deserve to feel exhilarated.
I want you to live each day feeling ease and flow when it comes to your money.
I want you to feel confident in knowing you are making money decisions that align to what is most important in your life.
I want you to know that you deserve to flourish financially today- not wait for "financial freedom" some day.

The "Debt Reset" Toolkit
Group Meetings
We will meet via Zoom
Saturdays, 1pm-2pm EST/
10am-11am PST.
Recordings will be made available for those unable to attend meetings.
Meeting dates are below:​
Saturday, October 16th
Saturday, October 30th
Saturday, November 13th
Early Bird Bonus Meeting:
Saturday, October 2nd
You will receive content sent to the email you registered with for the program.
Content will include video training, slides, and templates.
Content will be uploaded and sent out on the following dates
Monday, October 4th
Monday, October 18th
Monday, November 1st
Early Bird Bonus Workshop:​
Monday, September 20th
The "Debt Reset" Toolkit is a 6 week program.
1 payment of $250
2 payments of $125
Please email hello@naomiscottclark.com to discuss alternative payment options
Early Bird Bonus is for those who enroll by this date:
Saturday, September 18th.
The Early Bird enrollment period ends on Saturday, 9/18/21.
When you enroll by this date you will receive the following bonuses:
"Where The F*ck Is My Money"- a 3 hour recorded training on cash flow & budgeting.
Extra Group Meeting on Saturday, 10/2/21.
(below is a clock showing how much time remains in the Early Bird Enrollment period)