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Get Your
"Debt Reset" Toolkit

so you can get the Money Mindset Villains 
out of your money and your mind

The Money Mindset Villains.

I'm going to cut straight to the point.  When it comes to personal finance teachings-there is an overemphasis on debt.  Cut your spending! Slash your expenses! You better not buy that lipstick!  Forget about that vacation! The reality is this- nobody is getting rich off saving a few dollars here and there.   Yes, debt is a component to of  managing your money, but it's not the only component.  The other components to money management include earning, investing, saving, and spending.  Yet there is an undeniable sense of urgency and obligation put upon folks to "get out of debt fast."  This is often at the expense of one creating generative and sustainable money practices which align to your values and take into account the season of life you are within.  This urgency and narrow focus on debt when it comes to money management  is palpable. It's fragmented. It's lacking. It's harmful.  And it doesn't have to be this way. 


Here is what I want you to know. 

There are villains messing with your money and your mind, and they are:


<!> Debt Shaming Culture <!>

<!> The Mindset Masquerade <!>


Debt Shaming Culture and The Mindset Masquerade lie to you.    They get in the way of your dreams and the aspirations you have for your life.   They get in the way of you having clarity and being attuned to what is right for you when it comes to your money. They get in the way of you having self-trust when it comes to making money decisions.  They leave no room for analysis nor accountability on  how  institutional systems of oppression are designed to make it harder for marginalized folks to create assets (e.g. purchase a home, access non-predatory loans and access to credit, acquire land and property, attend college and trade schools to earn higher wages, etc.)They get in the way of your change, progress, and growth when it comes to your money.


The Money Mindset Villains perpetuate harmful thoughts and behaviors such as:

<!> Prioritizing money goals solely based on debt <!>

<!> Believing debt should be avoided at all costs <!>

<!> Equating having "bad" credit to having bad character <!>

<!> Avoiding conversations about money with loved ones <!>

<!> Associating credit card debt with laziness and immaturity <!>

<!> Dodging communications from creditors, bills, and the mail <!>

 <!> Using draconian and unsustainable strategies to cut expenses <!>

<!> Making your having a debt a personal shortcoming <!>


If any of these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors sound familiar to you- know that you are not alone.  I want you to recognize these Money Mindset Villains so you can disrupt and disarm them from impacting your mind and  your money.  


You are not the problem- they are. 

This is why I created The "Debt Reset" Toolkit.


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